RJHS Cheerleaders celebrate Red Ribbon Week

Thank You for Participating in Red Ribbon Week at Rickover 2024!

We would like to thank everyone who participated in Red Ribbon Week at Rickover from October 21 to 25, 2024. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Riello, Ms. Drew, and Ms. Wolford for their dedication and hard work in organizing events throughout the week.

Purpose of Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week serves as a vital initiative to promote the importance of living a drug-free life. During this week, many students took the pledge to commit to a healthy and safe lifestyle. The pledge reads as follows:

I pledge to grow up safe, healthy, and drug-free by:

  • Understanding the dangers of drug use and abuse.

  • Respecting myself and making the choice to remain drug-free.

  • Spreading the word to family and friends about the importance of being healthy and drug-free.

Celebrations and Activities

Throughout the week, Rickover was filled with excitement as students and staff engaged in a variety of celebrations and activities aimed at reinforcing the message of drug prevention:

  • Door Decorations: Each homeroom decorated their doors with vibrant and inspiring drug-free messages, showcasing creativity and unity in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

  • Spirit Week: The entire week featured a themed spirit week where students and staff were encouraged to dress according to the daily themes. This created a fun and lively atmosphere, fostering school spirit and camaraderie among all participants.

  • Pledge Posters: Students were invited to create posters highlighting the drug-free pledge, which they could sign as a commitment to their health and well-being. This not only raised awareness but also encouraged peer support in making responsible choices.

Once again, we want to express our deepest appreciation to everyone who took part in the Red Ribbon Week celebrations. Your involvement plays a crucial role in promoting a drug-free message and building a supportive community focused on health and safety. Thank you for making this event a success!